There is no such thing as a bad day to curl up with a good book or to read aloud with my kids but my absolute favorite days to snuggle in beneath the blankets and read are the cold snowy days that we get nearly every winter in this part of Ohio. When we are snowed in or it is so cold that going outside freezes your skin instantly, we love to grab a book that matches our season and truly enjoy the this time of year. While others are wishing for spring, we love to stay in the moment and relish the season God has placed us in knowing that it will change soon.
Care to join us, but not sure what winter books to pick up? Here are eight of our favorites. *
1. The Blizzards Robe by Robert Sabuda
2. Snowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
3. The Rag Coat by Lauren Mills
4. The Big Snow by Berta and Elmer Hader
5. Snow by Uri Shulevitz
6. Straight to the Pole by Kevin O’Malley
7. The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
8. Winter’s Tale by Robert Sabuda
Have a favorite winter book you could share with us? We always love new recommendations. Connect with us to share some of your favorites in the comments, on Facebook or on Instagram.
Happy reading. Until next time, keep it smart. Keep it simple.
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