by Kandis | Aug 30, 2024 | Blog Posts, Do, Middle School, Playful Homescholing, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
The science curriculum that we prefer has a million experiments, projects and “Try This” sections embedded into the textbook. This is part of what we love about it. It is also what has made me lazy. I love science and the doors it opens for exploration,...
by Kandis | Aug 21, 2024 | Blog Posts, Do, New to Homeschooling, Not Yet School Age, Reading Comprehension, Think, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
I am not a fashion model. I am not tall enough and though I’m thin, I’m likely not thin enough by industry standards. That has always been my shape. I am also not good at putting together fashionable outfits. I don’t care for shopping and if you shop...
by Kandis | Aug 19, 2024 | Blog Posts, Do, New to Homeschooling, Not Yet School Age, Playful Homescholing, Reading Comprehension, Think, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
The hardest part about metacognition – thinking about thinking – is learning to listen to your brain. Your brain is constantly telling you things and making you aware of what it is doing but most of what it is saying we leave in our subconscious minds. We...
by Kandis | Aug 9, 2024 | Become, Blog Posts, Do, Learn, New to Homeschooling, Not Yet School Age, Reading Comprehension, Think, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
One of the scariest thoughts parents have is “Where do I start?” Every parent asks this question what I have to imagine is thousands of times before their child is grown. Where do I start to teach him to sleep? Where do I start to help her learn good...
by Kandis | Aug 8, 2024 | Blog Posts, Do, Get Organized, Know, Learn, New to Homeschooling, Think, Upper Elementary, Values & Beliefs, Younger Elementary
Time. We all only have 24 hours in a day. No matter how long our to do list is or the number of people we need to care for or teach, our minutes are limited. You would be hard pressed to find someone who would tell you that time isn’t precious. BUT do we live...
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