by Kandis | Jan 21, 2021 | Blog Posts, Do, Get Organized, New to Homeschooling, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
Field trips and fun days are among the highlight of every traditional school child’s year. Field day, crazy sock day, assembly times and the one field trip of the year. These days bring energy and a change of pace. When I was teaching, even I looked forward to...
by Kandis | Jan 14, 2021 | Become, Blog Posts, Get Organized, Learn, New to Homeschooling, Upper Elementary, Values & Beliefs, Younger Elementary
Mom . . . Mom . . . Mom, Mom, Mom, MOM!!!! Anyone else ready to change their name? I was first in line for name changing until I realized that the interruptions were my own fault. WHAT?!?!? Yep – the interruptions were my fault. Huh? How? I hadn’t given...
by Kandis | Jan 8, 2021 | Become, Blog Posts, Get Organized, Learn, Think, Upper Elementary, Values & Beliefs, Younger Elementary
Happy New Year! You’ve had a few days to settle into feeling out 2021 and hopefully you’re settling into the new year nicely. I intentionally saved this blog post for after you were into the year a bit because there is nothing magical about January 1st....
by Kandis | Dec 3, 2020 | Blog Posts, Get Organized, New to Homeschooling, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
Climb, climb up paper mountain.Reaches to the sky. Climb, climb up paper mountain. We knew the stack was high.Toss, toss the excess papersFull recycling bin – oh my!Climb, climb up paper mountain.You and I. In many states you have two options for year end...
by Kandis | Nov 12, 2020 | Blog Posts, Do, Know, Learn, New to Homeschooling, Think, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
What’s in Huck Finn’s pocket on page 57? You don’t know? Neither did I in 10th grade literature class. And you know what? It still bothers me today. I had read the book and those that know me know I read it closely, it’s my nature. Yet, I got...
by Kandis | Oct 8, 2020 | Become, Blog Posts, Know, Learn, New to Homeschooling, Upper Elementary, Younger Elementary
Child 1: “Hey mom! Can you get the globe off the wall?”Me: “Sure thing. Let me finish with brother first. It should be about two minutes.”Child 2 (AKA brother I happen to be working with): “I’ll get it!” Jumps up and runs off...
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